Meeting page - Competitiveness Council (Internal market and industry), 26 September 2024 ...
The Council adopted a revision of the EU’s financial regulation, which lays down the financial rules applicable to the EU budget. The main reason for this targeted revision is the need to align the fi ...
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (2) European Commission (2) ...
We gebruiken cookies om het browsen op de website van de Raad te optimaliseren. Bepaalde cookies worden gebruikt voor geaggregeerde statistieken over de bezoeken aan onze website, en helpen ons de ...
Rövid cím mutatása a Celex-szám helyett – kísérleti funkció. A funkció a szerződésekhez és az ítélkezési gyakorlat dokumentumaihoz vezető, kattintható Celex-számok helyett az adott szerződés/ügy rövid ...
Sostituzione degli identificativi CELEX con titoli brevi - funzione sperimentale. Sostituisce gli identificativi CELEX cliccabili dei trattati e della giurisprudenza con titoli brevi. Visualizzazione ...
Das Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union ist das Medium für die amtliche Veröffentlichung von Rechtsakten der EU, sonstigen Rechtsakten sowie amtlichen Informationen der Organe, Einrichtungen und ...
The Official Journal of the European Union is the official publication (gazette) for EU legal acts, other acts and official information from EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. It is ...
The content on this page is provided for reference purposes only. This content has not been altered or updated since 12 October 2023 Since Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine in ...
Posiedzenia Rady UE w najbliższych dwóch tygodniach wraz z najważniejszymi tematami oraz nadchodzące wydarzenia medialne.
Discussions we had today mostly focussed on the economic outlook and the work underway with regard to budget planning. Of course, because of all of the work that finance ministers are doing at the ...
The European Union strongly condemns the recent transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia. This transfer is a direct threat to European security and represents a substantive material ...